complaints, appeals


1) Appeals of certification results.
2) Appeals of certification suspension or withdrawing
3) Appeals of nonconformities
4) Appeals of audit costs
5) Appeals of rejection of certification applications


1) Dissatisfaction of certification outcome
2) Failure of client services for quality management system
3) Dissatisfaction of auditors’ qualification
4) Dissatisfaction of resolution clients may ask the Quality Control Manger to refer the matter.
5) Delay of issuing certification and resolution clients may ask
6) Complaints about a certain auditor

Receiving Appeals and Complaints

1) All appeals and complaints are received by fax, email, written letters or verbal messages. Only clarified client’sname and contact details shall be reported and received.
2) If appeals and complaints occur related with certification issues, the receiver shall initiate Preventive/CorrectiveAction Request  and report to Administrative Manager.
If appeals and complaints are received through the GCERTI web-site and they are simple cases, the receiver
responds to the originator of the complaint.
3) All necessary measures shall be taken to preserve the confidentiality of information obtained during the 
investigation of a complaint.

Follow-up Actions

1) Records for all appeals, complaints and dispute, and its resolution
2) Decisions of resolution measures, root cause analysis, and corrective actions
3) Execution of corrective actions
4) Documentation and evaluations about effectiveness of corrective action taken
5) Division/section manager shall record all complaint investigation findings and the corrective actions taken
6) The complaints file shall be reviewed prior to each annual Management Review Meeting in order to determine any 
trends and additional corrective actions required to prevent recurrence.

Notification of Results

The Administrative Manager shall inform the client of the outcome of the appeals and complaints by letters ortelephone. The written response shall include the outcome of the complaint, reasons for the decision, and any changes which have resulted from the complaint.

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Ongoing innovation management training, respond to questions about certification

certified clients

 A certified list of clients and in this website "Sertified list of clients"

About us

Company code: 303499440
Address:  Kauno g. 16, Vilnius, Lithuania